During his public ministry on earth, our Lord traveled the countryside proclaiming the Kingdom of God. By performing humanly impossible acts, Jesus revealed himself to be the long-awaited Messiah. He healed men, women, and children whom society had written off as incurable – lepers, paralytics, the terminally ill, and the blind. These miraculous acts proved Christ’s divinity and filled the hearts of all who followed him with faith, hope and love.
If Jesus were to walk the earth today, seeking out the humanly incurable, who would he approach? Certainly the terminally ill and permanently disabled. But who would be today’s lepers? In reading recent testimonials from members of our Lady’s Association, I believe there are countless life circumstances that create the same sense of social abandonment that the lepers in the time of Christ must have felt.
Here is one of those testimonials:
“I would like to thank our wonderful Blessed Mother for her intercession for me. I was a hopeless alcoholic, trapped in my addiction. I was in despair over it and not living. I was a slave to alcohol. I turned to our Blessed Mother and asked her to please help me. I was in a place where I so wanted to quit drinking, but I could not. Our Blessed Mother interceded for me. I was able to enter rehab. I am in Alcoholics Anonymous, and finally living again. I am so thankful. Thank you so much for helping me, Blessed Mother! I have my life back.”
Any human condition, including estrangement and addiction, that causes a person to doubt his or her own human dignity, is an example of modern day leprosy. These individuals are separated from the communion of love for which God made them, and therefore, in their own eyes at least, they are incurable.
But not to God. Not then. And not now. Especially, as the testimonial proves, with the motherly intercession of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
This is why I’m writing to you. Do you know someone in a situation who is feeling hopeless, unloved, or incurable? If so, I invite you to use the new Healing Remembrance Card to let them know you are praying for them.
There is no disability, sickness, or injury that God cannot cure, and there is no loneliness, depression, or addiction stronger than his loving compassion and mercy.
Our Lady promised Saint Catherine Labouré that she would obtain God’s grace for all who seek her intercession. I invite you to use the new Healing Remembrance Card to bring someone comfort. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual healing your loved one requires, pray for him or her, and let this card show how much you care.
You may also burn a Votive Light here at our Lady’s Shrine.
Any offering you send will promote devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and support the apostolic mission and charitable works of the Vincentian community. You will help show the world that our Lady, through her intercession with her Son, desires faith, hope, and love for all!
May our Lady protect you and your loved ones. May her intercession gain for you the answer to your prayers as you place your intentions at her Altar. And may the recipient of your Healing Remembrance Card experience the healing touch of our Lord Jesus.
Sincerely yours in our Lady,
Fr. Kevin McCracken, C.M.
Spiritual Director