We seek our Blessed Mother’s intercession for all the intentions we hold close to our heart. But, how much does our Blessed Mother’s intercession aid our intentions, especially for healing? It is immeasurable! Our Mother Mary is our greatest intercessor. She purifies our intentions making them presentable to Christ Jesus. If you know someone in need of Mary’s intercession, use our beautiful new
Healing Remembrance Card to bring comfort and strength to those who might be suffering from addiction, physical, spiritual, or emotional pain. You may also
burn a Votive Light here at our Lady’s Shrine for your loved one. Our Lady promised Saint Catherine Labouré that she would obtain God’s grace for all who seek her intercession. By using the
Healing Remembrance Card, you will be asking Mary to intercede and to bring her Son’s miraculous healing to your loved one in their time of need.
Read more about Mary’s intercession for us and God’s grace in Fr. Kevin’s letter.