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Association of the Miraculous Medal
How to Use the Blessed Oil
Oil has long been associated with healing, and this blessed oil is a beautiful way to seek the healing that Jesus wants to give. You may use the oil on yourself or others by anointing any injury or ache, asking Mary's intercession by praying, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." A similar anointing can ask Jesus' protection from harm for ourselves or others. Anoint yourself or others on the forehead in the form of the cross, again praying, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

Prayer to Our Lady for Healing

Mary Immaculate, you have given yourself to us as our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. You have asked us to pray with confidence, and we will receive great graces. We know your compassion, because you saw your Son suffer and die for us. In your union with his suffering you became the mother of us all. Mary, my mother, teach me to understand my suffering as you do and to endure it in union with the suffering of Jesus. In your motherly love, calm my fears and increase my trust in God's loving care. According to God's plan, obtain for me the healing I need. Intercede with your Son that I may have the strength I need to work for God's glory and the salvation of the world. Amen

Mary, health of the sick, pray for me.

Prayer for Anointing Someone with Blessed Oil

Dear Heavenly Father, I anoint your servant with this oil that has been set apart as holy. Let your servant be free today from every evil burden that has been weighing him or her down. Lord, I stand upon the authority that you’ve given us believers through your Son, Jesus, and I declare and decree that your servant is free from all spiritual burdens. May this anointing bless all his or her efforts to serve you and draw them ever closer to you.   In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.